I am...

by 5:55 AM 4 comments

a large city, the third largest in Missouri, the city known as Springfield.

the daughter of two happily married parents, the two people who taught me right from wrong, the only people who unconditionally love me.

the eldest child of two, a role model for my young naive brother. I will see when he can not, I care when no one else will, a bond that will never break.

a large family with few close bonds. We all care for one another, yet some of us are closer than others. Two very special cousins being like brothers to me.

the most loving animal person. My adorable, overly excited French Bulldog. My puppy who passes gas, loves his tummy being rubbed, and being held like a baby. My angry, adventurous little Hedgehog. My prickly pal who loves to sleep all day, running miles through the night, liking to be left alone.

leaving behind black skinny jeans and men's graphic tees, embracing the feminine look. Wanting to look as pretty as I have always felt. Along with a dark chocolate eyes and a pug nose, looking flat with my profile.

art, despite not feeling like an artist. Letting drawing be my passion, never feeling like I reach the bar. Yet that does not matter, because I love it. I love it all.

17. Afraid of the life ahead of me. Being forced to join the rest of society, leaving the comfort of my childhood home. Off to make something of myself.

greasy, spicy, mouth watering hot wings, best with restaurant quality ranch of course.

my future of college, a lot of crying and animation. Clawing my way to the top, working hard until I reach my dream, the top of something I truly believe in.

an old granny car, with stuffed off brand beanie babies in the windows. A 1987 Delta 88 Oldsmobile.

the eccentric eclectic music that shapes who I am. From anti-folk to anything 80s. Everything in between.

the anxiety of trying new things. There is no comfort, feeling alone in the moment no matter how many people there are. I always try my best when new occasions arise, attempting to overcome the dark feeling in the pit in my stomach and the tingling in my hands.

lime green, eye searing walls covered in posters, tickets and everything that makes me, me. So messy, you can’t see the floor. Clothes strung about, 100 year old furniture consuming the room.

the belief that has no other name other than kindness. I believe in the nice fleeting moments. Loving one another for who we all are. Just being happy.

a unicorn like everybody else. We are after all, the only one of us.

Echo Clairday


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


  1. Lovely, Echo. So rich in unique detail. Your car sounds awesome! And your messy, creative room, too! : ) I admire your bravery in trying the new things that scare you and your willingness to see and care for your brother. I also share your "belief that has no other name other than kindness." Thanks for sharing yourself here.

  2. I loved it. You can really write. I can really relate to the music, love for animals, being the oldest, caring for my brother like he's the world and not having very close family. The writing itself is just amazing-yes we are not suppose to talk about the writing but great job! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I could picture every line in my head. Very descriptive and detailed! Great job!

  4. Hey Echo! I can relate to the part where you talked about your bond with your brother. MY brother is older so he's the one who sees when I don't, but we also have the unbreakable bond you talked about. And I can also relate to the part about happily married parents. This was very well written and it really showed us a small glimpse of who you are :)
