The Problem Solvers: Case of the Missing Bike

by 7:38 AM 0 comments
Its just like any other day in The Problem Solvers head quarter (Roz's tree house). Everything was in the world was good. Too good. Just as they were about to close up shop for the day and go to the park, Brock comes bursting in, tears streaming down the poor boys face. Someone had stolen his bike. This was just the case Roz had been looking for. They go to the crime scene and gather clues. Will they find Brocks missing bike or will this be one not even The Problem Solvers can solve.

Main Characters
(green) Gunner ♂
(blue) Bruno 
(red) Roz 

Character Trait
Leadership- (Roz)
Voice of Reason- (Bruno)
Class Clown- (Gunner)

Neighbor Hood
Roz's House
The School Yard

The Stolen Bike

*Page by Page coming soon*

Echo Clairday


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