Looking at the Caged Bird

by 6:45 AM 1 comments
    5. Talking is a strange thing. Maya Angelou stopped talking for five years. To this day, every time and get angry or mad, I go quite. In my house you can't speak your mind when you are angry. You get in more trouble than it is worth. So instead of getting out my frustrations I am forced to let the boil inside me until I can't hold anything in. I always seem to end up crying if I hold back my words. Sharing is a huge part of my personality, so when I try to hold back, I burst. Of course, after I let all the pent up feelings out with tears, I don't need words. I feel better knowing I got it out with or without words. One of my many faults is not listening. I try my best but there is always something I can say or add. It is never easy for me to hold back on my input, which along with most people, I find annoying. Holding back isn't one of my strongest points. If I could get past the initial literal biting my tongue, I think that I could observe the people and world so much better all around me. Yet on the other hand, I never end up talking when it truly important. If I spoke out more when it mattered, I would grow so much in courage and confidence. It's funny how choosing when to speak can either help you grow or hold you back.

    3. Talking about bad dreams "gives them too much power".  I think talking about the bad is human nature. Whether it be bad dreams, bad news, or drama, its humans first instinct to talk about it. I may be considered strange but I tend to enjoy my bad dreams. They take me to a place that I don't like to go but personally I think it is good to go there sometimes. At least the way I live my life, I don't like to think about the bad, only the good. So if and when I do have bad dreams, it is almost like a bitter treat. I am reminded and grounded by my own thoughts. Despite my personality, I think that most of my writing inspiration comes from these so called "bad" dreams. My writing reflects more on what grounds me than what I choose to live my life like. I have had many dreams that reveal my even truer self to me. Maybe that is why when I wake up, I choose express the happiness I want to feel instead of letting the bad take hold.

    8.  "There is a world of difference between truth and fact" -Maya Angelou. This one little sentence says it all. Fact is something that is true with out feeling. Truth however is a fact with feeling. Both need each other to exist yet, at the same time they have nothing to do with one another. In my own opinion, these two are not the same at all. They couldn't be any different. Feelings and emotions are such a big factor that it can completely change a point of view with the snap of a finger.

Echo Clairday


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

1 comment:

  1. You do a nice job of distinguishing between truth and fact there at the end. You are also quite self-aware to realize that you often bite back your feelings but they end up coming out somehow, even if it's not verbally. I've always thought I was good at hiding how I really feel (because I often have to do it in my job) but my husband says I'm not good at it at all...
