Tobias Green the Gas Man
Tobias Green was the man who ran the old gas station on the back road to nowhere. Only few people knew of Tobias's little gas station. But, those who did, always made sure to stop and see him on their journey. You could see the light glisten in his eyes as he listened to your stories. He would invite you in and give you a free candy bar for a little of your time. Despite being alone in the gas filled air, he was happy. This was the simple life he had always wanted to live. Whenever I went to see him, my friends would sigh annoyed with me. No matter what or where we went, I would always stop in to see ol' Tobias. I begged him to come with us every time we saw each other, but he would say the same thing every time, "My adventure is here. Yours is out there. Go and adventure with the both of us.". I hold those words dearly to me, making sure to follow his advice and every time I went out into the world, I did just that. Tobias Green was the most amazing man I would ever meet in my life. And I hope to see him again. I just know he will be waiting for me at the pearly gates, waiting to hear the rest of my stories, proud of how I lived the rest of my life.
Echo Clairday
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
What a generous sentiment: ""My adventure is here. Yours is out there. Go and adventure for the both of us." I like that.