1.) One thing I wrote that I never put on the blog was a story about a greaser boy. I really liked it but I never felt comfortable enough to share it where people could read it. It's stupid. But at the same time I enjoy the concept. I bet you if I reread it, I will have so many changes I will want to make. Also I think it would be cool if I did actually turn some of my writings in to comics. BUT that's just me. One of my favorite things I have written was Sally. It was the first real thing I wrote for the class, and everyone loved it. I loved it. Another favorite was Fake. There are just certain things about these writings that resonate with me.

2.)  On a personal level of reading, I have actually went back and read some of my old Archie comics. Not for reading purposes though. I might sound like a total dork but, I like to read them to figure out all the technical points of a comic book in a more domesticated setting of the story. Reading this I sound like a
freak. But that's what I do and that's what I like to read. Panel placement, speech bubbles, fonts, and just other stupid things that has to do with comics.

3.) I loved keeping this blog. I love my lay out and (most) of my posts. I came up with the name because I am a cynical abomination. I have no idea what type of people would read my writing. I am not one to push my writing (or drawings) onto other people. I may or may not continue to use it. I know I will definitely keep everything here to look back on in the future. If I did choose to keep up the blog I would make short stories about the characters I have created in my head.

4.) I hate journaling physically. If I had to ever journal again I would rather do it digitally, but I just prefer everything digital. I have a lot of drawings in my journal because I learn better while I doodle, and it's hard for me to just focus on writing. The writings I do have in my journal though are mostly short/unfinished fiction stories that I would be to embarrassed to let anyone read. I should really get more confident. I will definitely continue journaling and when I do it will be even more short/unfinished fiction stories.

5.)  I ride my hog faster. Faster so the tears can't be seen. I don't cry. I am Wayne Mercedes. The Wayne Mercedes.

I can feel the bruise form on my cheek, letting the cool night air sooth the heat radiating off where that bastard hit me.

As I ride I begin to cry less, but the less I cry, the angrier I seem to get. That man. That horrible man. I have lived with him for 17 years. I could have left anytime, but somewhere in me, deep inside, I felt as though I owed him something. Imagine that. Me owing him  something. For all I care he can rot in shit.

My bike starts to sputter, reminding me to fill it up. I continue to drive, can't getting far enough away. I drive until I am sure she can't drive any more.

As I pull into the nearest Pops, Gas and Smokes. I take just a moment to regain my composure, slamming my angered fist on my bike. I sigh before I pull the bike into a gas pump, signaling over the service tenant.

A scrawny kid, not much younger than me slinks over, I read his name tag. Scrawled on the patch is 'Dick'.

"Don't get a dent on it." I growl, walking past the wide eyed child, he shrinks back, whimpering in fear.

I walk through the little store, I see a middle aged woman, her hair pinned out of her face, wearing a blue sundress in the dead of night. I glare, yet for some god forsaken reason, she takes this as an invitation to strike up a conversation.

"Ain't you a little young to be out at this hour?" she smiles sincerely, "I'm pretty sure your parents must be real worried."

I can't help but stiffen at her remark, ignoring the last comment. I pull out my bill clip, "Isn't he?" I gesture towards Dick, watching as he stumbles to clean my bike.

She actually thinks I am kidding. She just laughs off my question, "Just gas then?"

I huff and look at the shelf behind her, cigarettes.

"And a pack of Newports." I grunt, flipping through my money. I hand her 3 dollars and pay for the gas and cigarettes, stopping her as she starts to hand back change, "Keep it." I mutter.

Shoving the bill fold back in my pocket, I shove my way out the door. Dick sees me coming and he waddles away.

I get on my bike, looking up at the Pops, Gas and Smokes. and I drive away. Gaining speed as I go, going to fast I can feel myself begin to lose control, until everything goes black.  

6.) My little fake plant died
     Because I forgot to fake water it

7.)  In the future most of my creative writing will be for making comics and cartoons. When I write, I make my head a little quieter. I have so many ideas floating around my head that sometimes I just can't concentrate, let alone turn it off. But someday they won't be just ideas. Hopefully they will be million dollar ideas.

8.)  You did good kids, you did good.
Its just like any other day in The Problem Solvers head quarter (Roz's tree house). Everything was in the world was good. Too good. Just as they were about to close up shop for the day and go to the park, Brock comes bursting in, tears streaming down the poor boys face. Someone had stolen his bike. This was just the case Roz had been looking for. They go to the crime scene and gather clues. Will they find Brocks missing bike or will this be one not even The Problem Solvers can solve.

Main Characters
(green) Gunner ♂
(blue) Bruno 
(red) Roz 

Character Trait
Leadership- (Roz)
Voice of Reason- (Bruno)
Class Clown- (Gunner)

Neighbor Hood
Roz's House
The School Yard

The Stolen Bike

*Page by Page coming soon*
 Growing up, ECHO CLAIRDAY, was always making things. If she had a pencil, she would draw. A computer, she would write. With nothing, he imagination would run wild. Her insperation for most of her stories either come from her everyday life or her brother and dog. She still lives with her supporting parents in the 3rd largest city in Missouri. 
I was probably about 6 or 7 when I learned to ride a bike. It was a pretty interesting time but I had to teach myself. One Christmas my parents had provided me with a nice new shiny bike (that was a little to big for me). I was determined to ride it and my parents were always busy, thus I took it upon myself to learn. We live on the top of a hill so I went fast. And crashed a lot. I never wanted to give up though and it only took me like a day to learn. But once I figured it out I rode that baby every where. My favorite place to ride it was to the elementary school by my house and to tropical smoothie. It probably would have been more fun if I had friends to ride with but oh well.

My favorite relative growing up was probably my cousin Paul. In my eyes he was literally the coolest person I knew. I honestly still look up to him to this day. He is like they big brother I never had. While in college he would come down and visit twice a year, but now, that he is a important scientist, he can only see me once a year in passing. After school freshman year as I waited for my mom to pick me up, I would call him and talk about life. We talked for 30 minutes a day, everyday. He is still one of my favorite person to this day.

Honestly when I was child, I imagined my teenage self being really ugly. I always had good self-esteem and loved myself but I just thought that no one would ever love me back. Not the way I loved myself anyway. But sitting here now, looking at my life, I feel pretty enough. If my little self could see me now she would probably be in awe of how pretty I am. But I have the self-doubt goggles on. Sometimes I wish I still saw myself in the pure light that I once did.
 My perfect day would involve me not being sad, or anxious, or scared. I would not wake up upset, nor would I be tired. I'd go to school, and get through the day without being stressed. I would get my homework done, turned in, and I wouldn't worry. My friends would be happy, and their days would go the same. I wouldn't be hungry, I wouldn't have to work. I could go home and see my dog. My room is clean, and my parents are in good moods. That would be my perfect day.

Teenagers can be fairly hard on their parents, They are difficult to deal with, I know that sometimes I can be pretty harsh when it comes to my parents, just as they can be harsh on me. We are not always fair to each other, sometimes I am even harder on them than they are on me. They are always there for me though, which shows the incredible power of parents. They see every bit of hurt we go through and try their best to be there for us, even when we try not to let them. It's so easy to shut them out and try and make them go away, but through and through they will try and help.

The best advice I as a teenager can give would be to respect privacy, help your teens when they are upset, don't get angry when they are sad and to help your kids sooner rather than later. Put time and effort into your kids as much as you can, put the effort to ask about their day, ask how they are, and tend to their troubles without getting angry, even when you are upset with their distress, it's best to not show it because it might make them afraid of coming to you for help and advice. Don't press them too much though, you want a balance of them coming to you and a balance of you checking on them.

No, I am NOT a good bowler. I absolutely suck at it. I don't even like bowling, so it's hard to even really learn to play. I'd rather not play. I tend to keep away as much as I can because its boring and I don't think I could get good at it, even if I tried.

Movie- The Truman Show

 Movie- Ferris Bueller's day off.

Movie- The Shawshank Redemption

Movie- Beetlejuice

My favorite movie is The Shawshank redemption. The plot was incredibly well thought out, and planned. The story was intriguing, sad and kept me on my toes. The amazing part about this is that it is far from the genre of romance which is my favorite. This is a great movie and I would highly recommend it. I normally don't like violence in movies, but it was used as a tool to tell the story, rather than a needless scene to extend the movie time.

I typically don't really care for horror movies, it's not that I dislike them, they just don't appeal to me as much. I didn't even really watch them before sophomore year. Horror movies aren't my cup of tea, but I willing to watch them.

I watch movies at home with my family, usually. Watching movies with family and friends makes the experience better than when I am watching them alone. Sometimes I'll go see movies on the big screen, but I think it's better to wait and watch from the comfort of my home. I watch movies probably about once every two weeks. It depends on what is going on during the week.

Watching movies is always better when in the comfort of friends or family. Movies are almost never fun without snacks and drinks. That always improves the experience. Movies are also better when you are comfortable and can lay down. The best movie experience is one with friends.

I love the company of others but I do occasionally enjoy my privacy.
I am proud, yet agreeable. I try and express my anger directly. I will do what is best for me.
I am easy going, and a go-with-the-flow sort of person. I prefer not to make plans and take things as they go. Apparently, according to this quiz, I am calm and mostly emotionally stable.
The quiz said I am practical but willing to try new things, I seek new things more often than not.

In a Biopic about me, Amy Schumer would play me. The main events that would be in the movie would be my brother being born, me getting my dog Dude, and me graduating and escaping the prison of highschool. It would have a happy ending!