Keeping it Real

by 2:52 PM 1 comments
 My perfect day would involve me not being sad, or anxious, or scared. I would not wake up upset, nor would I be tired. I'd go to school, and get through the day without being stressed. I would get my homework done, turned in, and I wouldn't worry. My friends would be happy, and their days would go the same. I wouldn't be hungry, I wouldn't have to work. I could go home and see my dog. My room is clean, and my parents are in good moods. That would be my perfect day.

Teenagers can be fairly hard on their parents, They are difficult to deal with, I know that sometimes I can be pretty harsh when it comes to my parents, just as they can be harsh on me. We are not always fair to each other, sometimes I am even harder on them than they are on me. They are always there for me though, which shows the incredible power of parents. They see every bit of hurt we go through and try their best to be there for us, even when we try not to let them. It's so easy to shut them out and try and make them go away, but through and through they will try and help.

The best advice I as a teenager can give would be to respect privacy, help your teens when they are upset, don't get angry when they are sad and to help your kids sooner rather than later. Put time and effort into your kids as much as you can, put the effort to ask about their day, ask how they are, and tend to their troubles without getting angry, even when you are upset with their distress, it's best to not show it because it might make them afraid of coming to you for help and advice. Don't press them too much though, you want a balance of them coming to you and a balance of you checking on them.

No, I am NOT a good bowler. I absolutely suck at it. I don't even like bowling, so it's hard to even really learn to play. I'd rather not play. I tend to keep away as much as I can because its boring and I don't think I could get good at it, even if I tried.

Echo Clairday


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to keep this advice in mind as I raise my own teenager...I think I'm doing pretty well at this so far: "Don't press them too much though, you want a balance of them coming to you and a balance of you checking on them." Being a parent is by far the most terrifying thing I have ever love someone so much and be so afraid of something happening to them...I'm surprised people keep signing up for it actually.
