Ground Control to Lost Soul

by 6:53 AM 1 comments
Ground Control to Lost Soul
This is Ground Control to Lost Soul
You've really made the grade
Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go

Earth below us
Drifting falling
Floating weightless
Calling calling home

Across the stratosphere
Ground Control to Lost Soul
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong

Back at ground control, there is a problem
Go to rockets full, not responding

"Hello Lost Soul, are you receiving"
Turn the thrusters on, we're standing by
There's no reply

Tell my wife "I love her very much"
Then nothing more

Far above the moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do

Echo Clairday


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1 comment:

  1. I can feel the David Bowie inspiration here, hints of Elton John's Rocket Man, too...I like what you did with this iconic photo.
